2009年7月5日 星期日

05-07-2009 高臺奇幻潮

一心要到胡志明市西北面的高臺教廟看看,卻不想受制於連古芝地道的例牌行程,遂請酒店的 concierge花朵女士(此女士的法文名字為 Fleur)代為安排包車。

明 知必要付出稍高的代價,然而來回車程共需要五個多小時,絕不會坐電單車尾虧待自己。出發時才知道這程車的價值,在於安排了會說英語,身穿整齊制服的司機, 駕着黑色賓士門前接載。浮誇地趕及於中午前到達高臺教廟,趁禮拜還未開始,於周圍溜達。在白衣老婦散坐於揉上黃色牆壁走廊旁,傳來吱吱聲,一群蝙蝠倒吊天 花……

高臺教全名大道三期普度,於二十年代由兩名越南公務員創立。教義集儒、釋、道、耶,主張萬教大同,以天眼的形象代表主宰宇宙萬物的神明。兼 收的教理體現於其宗教建築,西式柱頭下是俗艷的龍鳳浮雕,廟內裝飾和顏色「撞」得要緊,既有耶穌、孔子和觀音雕像,亦奉孫中山、雨果和阮秉謙為聖人,教徒 穿上一身白裝,分成男女兩邊,於廟內頌唱,樓上樂師奏出類似廣東戲曲的音調旋律,各國遊客則於上層兩邊走廊盡情攝錄,形成幻海奇情式的畫面。

3 則留言:

kan chun 提到...

can you post some photos?

匿名 提到...

It looks to me the Religion is one that embodies a terribly mixed Rendering and Expression of eastern and western Cultures, is also an enormous Melting Pot devouring and digesting a very vast Variety of Ideas and Concepts, transfiguring them into and showcasing a final Product ----a Unity (to all Caodaiists: No Offence is intended), and has a fairly large Following.


This seems to have posed as an ideal dramatic Scene for an Advent of something; looks as though a startling Event were going to happen.

I think the Believers in their white Costumes look solemn, and so does the Rest of the ritual Procedure.

匿名 提到...

I believe these Words could best describe the Buildings ...... flamboyant, Extravaganza, the Archways look arabic, unusual Uniqueness, what a Setting!

One-of-a-kind Doctrine ..... of everything.

Again, any Offence is unintentional.