2009年8月22日 星期六

23-08-2009 傳說中的香港精神

回歸後,久不久就有宣言發表,倡議甚麼核心價值。輕則聯署登廣告,重則組合參政。無論份屬那個單位又或是無黨無派,總會收過幾個請你一「 click」聯署的電郵。

這 些豪情壯語,不是高舉法治精神、公平廉潔、專業導向等套餐式旗幟,便是抬出不要爭拗「河蟹」為重的家和萬事興符咒。口號漂亮,實餡欠奉。十年來如是者反覆 唱頌,想起都厭悶。其實更多香港人,不懂說大道理,只是每天以最赤裸真實的方法體現所謂的香港精神。是夜登上一部看來普通不過的的士,司機正在講電話,前 方及左方另外六部手機輪流作響,他接個不停,那怕是說日語或普通話的客戶,他都能安排接送到港九新界每一角落。對客戶的親切語氣一轉過來,變成對着行家最 刻薄的責難。反應稍慢、或對客戶目的地稍為猶豫的旗下司機,即成箭靶。他罵得快狠準,我坐在旁邊,心中暗求希望能夠安全回家,卻又不得不被他的神乎奇技所 懾服,忍不住拿了一張名片。


2 則留言:

匿名 提到...

What a Guy! Whilst acting and behaving like a busy Switchboard Operator, he seems to be a competent Taxi Business Operator but only in the Sense that he will arrange for the Passengers of his Employees to be fetched and taken to their Destinations without Fail. On the other Hand, however, i do not think he is a safe, responsible Taxi Driver in that while driving he should not be too much engaged in Telephone Conversations lest he should become distracted and should not be always on the Alert. Such a dangerous Situation could deteriorate if he uses any one of his Hands to use any of all his six Phones while being behind the Wheel.

匿名 提到...

"Such a dangerous Situation could deteriorate if he uses any one of his Hands to use any of all his six Phones while being behind the Wheel.":

I meant "any of all his seven Phones while being behind the Wheel.".