2009年7月11日 星期六

12-07-2009 解太太


香港的夏天真是煞人,家裏兩輛房車又沒有如美國最新流行的款式般裝上冷氣,穿着高領緊身旗袍的解太太, 在暑氣迫人的日子,聽着廣東人蹺口巉手的粗糙語言,還要忍受永遠把家鄉菜餚都煮不出味道的傭人……心情本就是煩悶。高貴得體地把丈夫與外遇所出的私生子當 為己出,硬吞了這個屈辱,對外還得八面玲瓏,為解家存面子。不學無術的大兒子只管呆在美國,還望二女文意能夠大學畢業,將來接手糖果廠的生意,才不枉當初 把自己及外家的錢財一併押到解元忠身上。



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The above-mentioned Storyline or something similar used to be a classic and commonly used Backbone of and Mainstream for many a locally produced Movies ----- both Cantonese and Mandarin ones ----- that were designed to undertake the sacred Mission of reflecting the general social Status at the Time. I know this may sound far-fetched, i would consider the Role of a Landlady, Mrs. Suen, as played by Rebecca Pan in "In The Love For Love" (花樣年華), an Equivalent of 解太太, although there are Differences between the Two.

I am also reminded of a black-and-white Mandarin Film named "小舞孃", which dates Way back to the mid 50's. One "old" Day, my Mother after collecting me from School took me to see that Film at a Cinema called "旋宮戲院" ----- the Predecessor of "皇都戲院". I remember distinctly that we walked all the Way from my School in Wanchai to North Point (this was no easy Exercise for a very lean Creature like me!!). Why i can still memorise all these is primarily due to the Name of that Film which Kids of my Age would find too sophisticated and difficult to comprehend.

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With its hideaway-like Location concealed among the surrounding high Buildings which seem to isolate it from the Vicinity making it a World of its own, yet just a few easy Steps away from the main Road, i think 北角明園台 has never failed to be a nice little Area to live in. It offers a so-called 靜中帶旺 Environment coupled with easy-to-get Convenience and Access to daily Necessities for the Dwellers.

Sometime last Year i had the Opportunity of going to the Place; i walked all the Way up from the Junction of a Street and King's Road. I saw a big Tree growing in the Terrace. I noticed the Place seemed to be a dead-end Street.