2009年6月21日 星期日

21-06-2009 為Coco者

生平認識的第一個Coco,是十年前工作地方旁邊的髮型屋老闆娘,為我設計了以電「粟米」方法成型的all back蜷髮,曾獲一致好評。

自始覺得凡是叫Coco者,必是時尚不凡的女人。及後當然知道此名字實出自二十世紀其中一個最具影響力的文化圖騰─可可香奈兒。她捨本名Gabrielle而取帶點玩味不羈的「可可」創造時尚新天下,Mademoiselle香奈兒本身就是終極的符號,多年來被膜拜。托時裝女皇大名的鴻福,地球上出現了很多很多型態各異、各自表述的Coco ─ 原本叫李美琳的李玟、被前署長於謝斐道卡拉ok外狼狽躲於身後,其後還要補多句他正傻瓜的艷女、電台節目中解答自己人感情煩惱的過癮drag queen…這些Coco,與把它變為家傳戶曉的創辦人一樣,本身都是個人物。


3 則留言:

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I don't mean to be mean or mocking, "Coco" seems to be a popular Name with some of the adult feminine Gender "originating" from mainland China. The Name owes its Popularity as per my shallow and unknowledgeable Assumption to its visual, phonetic and conceptual Characteristics, expressed in sequential Order: -

1) The Name is easily and readily writable, recognisable and rememberable because of its short Spelling and the Repetition of the Component "Co".

2) "Coco" is easily and readily pronounceable in Terms of the Number of Syllables it generates when read (only a mere two Syllables with them sounding identical to each other owing to, again, the repeated Use of the Part "Co").

These two Qualities to me fit PRC Girls and Ladies perfectly for the Fact that Knowledge of English or any other european Language is not a Commonplace for the general Populace of the Country. Girls and Ladies from our Homeland, please don't take this too seriously and as offensive ..... i beg You to tolerate my Ignorance!

3)The "resultant" world-renowned Brand Name ----- CHANEL ----- is one of the most sought-after Fashion Labels of some of our PRC Fellowmen. Since Coco Chanel founded the Company, it just makes Sense that some of them may wish to benefit from such tremendous Fame by adopting the Name "Coco". Again, please don't regard this as insulting.

匿名 提到...

"3)The "resultant" world-renowned Brand Name ----- CHANEL ----- is one of the most sought-after Fashion Labels of some of our PRC Fellowmen. Since Coco Chanel founded the Company, it just makes Sense that some of them may wish to benefit from such tremendous Fame by adopting the Name "Coco". Again, please don't regard this as insulting.":

Maybe to some People the Name symbolises Trendiness, In-thing ..... or even merely a passing Fad.

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"2) "Coco" is easily and readily pronounceable in Terms of the Number of Syllables it generates when read (only a mere two Syllables with them sounding identical to each other owing to, again, the repeated Use of the Part "Co").":

Another Example of my Unknowingness, i was wrong about the proper Pronunciation of the Name. The Syllables do not bear exact phonetic Resemblance to one another; the first "Co" sounds with a higher Pitch than the second so the overall Sounding is more pleasant to the Ears.

Let me take this Opportunity to add that Abuse of the Name is seemingly prevalent.