2009年7月19日 星期日

19-07-2009 Major娛樂


以八卦娛圈明星名人眾生相為話匣子,內容通常流於片面及膚淺,亦正是大家對待娛樂新聞的潛守則──就是不必認真。茶餘飯後不想說自己,唯有說別人。而以娛圈作為話題,是何其貼近群眾的最小公分母。不能搭上一頭半句「 o靚模與書展」,在社交場合,總覺得有所欠缺。

能 夠搭得上口還以人類明白的語言搔癢思想,為看似不值一哂的八卦綠豆事以小說大,過癮抵死地診察娛樂新聞背後的社會文化卓見,還看陶囍。此人真身如其文,常 見睿智又教人沒好氣,流露鬼靈精怪的創意和扎實的學問根基。每一次,從調笑玩樂開始與陶囍說娛樂,在數個人仰馬翻的笑位後,總會學會某學者或作家曾經就相 關議題說過些甚麼,接着就會推介這些議題的讀物。與此君談草蜢說港男的樂趣在於能一次過滿足多個願望,既符合八卦輕鬆需要,亦為腦袋增值。誰說學者必須繃 緊眉頭作深邃沉思狀,或拋出火星文悶死人才可?

自稱為學術界 Amanda Tann的陶博士,除了辮仔短裙之外,還望繼續主修娛樂。

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To chat about Showbiz Affairs -----important, advisable, appropriate, and to bear in Mind: among non-showbiz People ----- has its Merits: the Talkers and the Listeners having Fun alike whilst not having to run the Risk of offending each other. Besides, a Topic could give Rise to another Topic and even a Lot of others so this could bring in more Fun. The Link would seem nonstop and the Chat limitless. This could become a Mega-multiplication. I would call this "highest common Multiple" (modified from "lowest common Multiple"!). After all, isn't this what publicity-thirsty Artistes have always striven after?