2009年8月8日 星期六

09-08-2009 米高叔叔

網友都喜歡稱呼八十歲的他做 Uncle Michael。

米高叔叔是荷蘭人,於四、五十年代來港為外資銀行工作。公餘時最愛帶着攝錄機,捕捉當 時香港的城市面貌。卷卷十六米厘菲林裏,定格了半世紀前中環、半山區、淺水灣、鄉郊的風華,更記錄了大街小巷裏老幼男女的生活影像。礦石場的工人、參與遊 樂會的赤腳小孩、商業區的時尚男女、慶祝伊利沙白二世登基的巡遊……不僅是當年常見如老電影或新聞片般的為黑白影像,還有色澤還能保持鮮活的彩色片段,令 畫面更具質感,亦使我等米高叔叔寶庫的網絡支持者,更能貼近這片土地的歷史痕跡。

米高叔叔離港後到世界各地工作遊歷,亦同樣拍攝當地的風土民情。 原本用以放映這些舊片的機器,應該早已作古。米高叔叔不甘這些影像就此塵封,於是進行艱鉅工程,將它們全部轉化成為適合現今放映機的制式,並用心分類排 列,再剪輯精華片段上載網絡公諸同好。可以想像,其頻道的訂閱瀏覽人數和受歡迎程度爆燈,米高叔叔亦樂於與一眾同路人互動交流,成為尋掌故說當年的空間。


5 則留言:

匿名 提到...

Although 米高叔叔 is a perfect Stranger to me, i think he is truly an eligible Teller (and even a Commentator) of the Events that took Place in those colonial Days. To me he himself is also a 香港通, also a living History Book. Every Footage of his Works is precious, the very Portrait of the average Lifestyle of the general Populace at the Time, bringing back many pleasant Memories to many. His Devotedness and Efforts will always be appreciated.

I also believe he easily and readily fused himself with the Locals in the Countries he went to, accepting and respecting their Cultures and Customs.

匿名 提到...

hello,i'm interested to those documentary that uncle michael going to upload,would anybody tell me where i can find them?thx for answering .

軻貴妃 提到...

you can check out his channel on Youtube : "Michael Rogge" and see contact details.

匿名 提到...

Upon knowing Uncle Michael's last Name ----- which seems a Bit familiar to me ----- i suddenly thought of a globally known Celebrity. Jacques Rogge [having been bestowed the Title "Count Rogge" by the belgian Government or the belgian royal House because of most probably his Office as the eighth President of the International Olympic Committee] was the Person who of Course presided at the grand Opening of the Beijing Olympic Games on May 8 last Year. No Wonder why Jacques Rogge, a Belgian, has the same Family Name as Uncle Michael as Belgium and the Netherlands are closely related to each other in Terms of Ethnicity, Language, etc. (as a Matter of Fact, Belgium was Part of the Netherlands before the Former's Independence).

匿名 提到...

"grand Opening of the Beijing Olympic Games on May 8 last Year":

That Date should have been stated as August 8 last Year.