2009年8月29日 星期六

30-08-2009 睡得是福


流行樂天王因失眠,要求醫生注射多種藥物,原只求一寐,怎料一睡不起。以往一上床必能入睡的我,每聽到身邊有人失 眠,實在難以理解為何睡覺這件天下最自然的事情,對某些人來說,竟然是奢侈。直到近日,因大茶飯在即,加上突如其來的各種轉變,終於體驗身心疲憊但精神狀 態仍然亢奮的幾個無眠晚上。好不容易到清晨六時,終於能緊閉雙眼,總算熟睡了一個多小時才被鬧鐘叫醒。第二天就像活死人般,繼續營役。

無獨有偶, 友好們一個又一個同時面對或多或少的失眠問題。成因各異,但不出以下幾種:輪班工時顛倒生理時鐘、身處壓力爆燈的工作環境、憂慮失去大客而導致公司年終見 紅、茫茫前路不知去向的無助感……全都以失眠作為負面能量積壓的表徵。尋求解決方法有很多,除了看書聽音樂之外,還可試試以呼吸調息。深呼吸由一數到十, 再數回頭,慢慢感到全身毛孔打開除垢,眼球逐漸放鬆,當能漸入夢鄉。


2 則留言:

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My own Prescription for confronting Sleeplessness is putting my Brain in a totally at Rest State ----- completely refraining from Thinking (well, at least, attempting to do so when i am having my sleepless Nights) ("To whom "the Case" may concern", as a far-fetched Simile to "Work while you work, play while you play", sleep while You are supposed to be doing nothing else rather Sleeping.). If that does not help, i usually watch TV for a While until i think i am "ready" to "retreat" to my Bed again (never Mind what TV Programme or Programmes to choose from, do not bother to select boring ones either thinking that they can help bring down Your Eyelids whereas interesting ones can make You stay awake. Remember the sole Purpose is to make Yourself feel weary and sleepy). Sweet Slumber!

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"doing nothing else rather than Sleeping" to read "doing nothing other than Sleeping".