2009年11月3日 星期二

04-11-2009 馬撒大精神


馬撒大位於死海邊上一處隱蔽的石沙巖平原上,希律王曾於此建行宮。及後被反抗羅馬統治而逃出耶路撒冷的猶太革命份子佔有,孤城中 900多人就此與圍堵的羅馬軍團對峙,於羅馬兵攻陷前的最後一夜,全城決議寧願手刃家眷後自刎而終,亦不願被敵人生擒成為奴隸。羅馬軍入城之時,只剩兩個婦女和五個小孩的活口……

自此,馬撒大成為猶太人民族意識和對家國精神的獨特標誌。以往每個入伍的士兵,都會在馬撒大宣誓效忠國家,誓詞中包括「馬撒大永不會再失去」這一句。曾經參與 1967年戰爭的退休大學教授認真肉緊的訴說這段悲壯的歷史,義正詞嚴地表示絕對不能容忍別人看輕馬撒大所代表的意義。他說,不理解馬撒大,也就不能理解以色列。


3 則留言:

匿名 提到...

Seems to me the 老人家 is remindful of Moses ----- also holding a Staff ----- and i would take the Liberty of imagining him as leading and guiding his Tourists every Step of the Way the Way Moses did to his Fellowmen, taking them out of Egypt (the and a massive Exodus) in his Endeavour and Efforts to unbind them from tyrannical egyptian Rule. I would dare to make such a Comparison.

The poor People in Masada died as Martyrs to Tyranny. Their tragic Self-sacrifices to sustain a worthy Cause will always and forever be remembered.

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軻貴妃 提到...

It starts with 'P'. There's a consignment counter in Seibu, Pacific Place.